Sunday, 10 June 2012

Just Do It(?)

“motivation alone is not enough. if you have an idiot and you motivate him, you now have a motivated idiot.”

                                                                                     – Jim Rohn

What is it with the whole ‘NOW’ mentality?

I’ve been wondering about this ever since I found myself perusing through the ‘self-help books’ section (don’t ask me why) at MPH just the other day. The titles screamed out ‘Understand Everything NOW’, ‘Get Your Dream Job NOW’, ‘Score Your Ideal Man NOW’, ‘NOW, NOW, NOW’.

It’s enough to fool one into believing that doing things immediately can ensure inevitable success.

Now, I'm not saying that procrastination is the way to go. But, let's get real: is dropping everything and quitting your nine to five job to pursue an ideal career as a... oh, let's say rodeo clown... the way to go?

Whatever happened to taking your time in planning pragmatically? Is it wise to jump the gun and make a decision based on pure motivation or intuition rather than thorough thought?

You’re probably thinking to yourself, “Well, doctors make split second decisions in saving lives everyday.” My response to that is you’re right, they do. But the ability in making those decisions are acquired through years of studying, research and experience. In other words, the difference between ‘suddenly being a rodeo clown’ and ‘making snap decisions in the ER’ is the substantial amount of time dedicated to absorbing the subject matter at hand.  

But, hey... Don't take my word for it! After all, this somewhat rhetorical question is coming from someone who has a time slot in her schedule to plan her other sub-schedules.

Granted, I've had some disastrous experiences with spontaneity. Experiences that involve a stage, an audience and pin drop silence. 

Oh, yea.

But, that's a story for another day.

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